Do you know what? I’m really starting to love this job!
Today I got to go meet with a rep from Riley Blake fabrics. How fun! Just to have the opportunity to go to their office was like a dream to me. Everything was bright and cheery. And, to be honest, the fact that they had random projects and piles of fabric in every corner made me feel a lot better about the constant state of my own project room 🙂 Every few minutes someone would walk in, look at my patterns and say- Oh, I designed the fabric you used on this guy!
I felt like a little kid collecting autographs at Disneyland. (except I didn’t actually ask for an autograph… don’t worry!)
Everyone there was so nice and kept giving me great tips. I’m constantly amazing at how kind people are in this business. You’d think we’d all be tearing each other apart, but I really feel like everyone just tries to succeed together.
While I was there we talked about some opportunities to give my patterns some publicity. It’s amazing how large a to-do list can grow in 20 minutes! One of my first projects will be to create some pattern covers using their fabrics, that way they have a good example of how to use their fabric line and I get some awesome publicity from a big company.
I got to pick out whatever I wanted to get started. Do you know what is so fun? Standing in a room full of amazing fabric and buttons and trims and having someone tell you- Just go ahead and pick out whatever you need!
Have I mentioned I love this job?!
There were quite a few other ideas thrown out… too many to write about.. but one involved being in a magazine!!!! (I wasn’t going to say that one in case it doesn’t work out.. but I couldn’t help it) How cool is that!?!?!?!
Anyway, it was a great day! I’ll fill you in on all the new projects as they come up.
You are so lucky, I love their fabrics.
Oh my gosh, that fabric! It’s amazing!