I couldn’t resist keeping these guys in the mini fruit bag we go grocery shopping last week 🙂 It makes me think I definitely need to find a cute little basket to store them in on my sewing table.
Doug and I have continued our Maker’s Meetings on Thursday nights. I am loving them. For the past two weeks I’ve been working on these adorable sewing kits made from the Apples To Oranges Sewing Kit Pattern by Straight Stitch Society. What an adorable pattern! Very professionally put together and I love the tone that she uses to write instructions- I felt like I was hanging out with a girl friend as I read through them.
Since I’m sewing through these patterns mainly to see how other pattern makers are wording their instructions, I particularly loved that each step was written with the assumption that the reader had never done anything like it before. It creates a pattern that teaches skills along the way. I love that. Here are just some of the awesome techniques you’ll learn by sewing through it:
- How to put in a zipper (don’t worry- this one is super simple!)
- How to put a lining inside a pocket so there are no raw edges showing (and she does it with very little hand sewing, so it goes pretty fast)
- Turned applique (this is optional, since it’s only required for the orange-but it’s the perfect amount of applique to help you learn without completely driving you crazy!)
- Working with small pieces- for the leaves she has you sew the pieces before you cut them down, which is a great technique to apply to any pattern with small pieces.
So basically, sewing through one of these guys is just as good as signing up for a sewing class. And in the end, you get an adorable sewing kit that you’ll use for years. I definitely give it two thumbs up. 🙂