Chronic Fatigue Awareness day is just a week away! Because this illness is something that affects me so drastically, I want to devote this blog to awareness posts for the week. (if you’re thinking, wait! I thought you had POTS, check out this page) If they bug you, I’m sorry. You are totally welcome to ignore them and I promise they will stop in one week and I’ll be back to sewing and crafting posts (I snuck an awareness project onto this post in case you felt gypped). However, this year I plan on going into juicy details, so you might want to stick around out of pure curiosity.
Since I’ve gotten sick, there have been a lot of questions that I could tell the people close to me were dying to ask, but felt as if they couldn’t. They are too personal, or maybe they are offensive. For whatever reason, the questions have gone unasked and, therefore, unanswered. I’m a firm believer in laying things on the table. I feel like if people understand the super personal things that drive me, they’ll better understand what this illness is really like. So, this week I’m going to do my best to answer the juiciest of questions.
The only issue is, I can only answer the ones I know exist. I do know of some, but I’m sure I’ve missed most of them, so I’d like to make you an offer: This week you can ask any question about life with chronic illness or about the crazy things chronically ill people do or say and I will answer it to the best of my knowledge. I promise not to be offended, no matter how personal or sensitive the issue is. Just post your questions in the comment field of any of my blog posts. If you’re worried, feel free to use an anonymous name on your comment.
What can people do to be supportive? Also, what spiritual tools sustain you?